How to Always Make a Profit

How to Always Make a Profit

HOW TO ALWAYS MAKE A PROFIT I Can Hear Some Groaning: “More theory.” Many will say: “Nobody always makes a profit. Some jobs just don’t pan out. Come out here in the field and try to always make a profit. Try to make a profit in the recession we just … Read the...
Boom and Bust

Boom and Bust

BOOM AND BUST Subject: construction market cycles The construction recession is finally over and boom times are upon us once again. Everyone is signing new contracts and business plans are bursting at the seams. And this is even before the Republican administration in...
Schedule Busting

Schedule Busting

Schedule Busting By: Anthony Perrenoud, Assistant professor, University of Oklahoma No one expects construction projects to be completed on schedule. Neither contractors nor owners believe the schedule they themselves have agreed on will actually come to pass. This...
Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning – By Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet  Without ever using the word “strategy” or “strategic thinking” or, God forbid, “strategic planning”, Dr. Kenn Sullivan and I discuss managing risk through a process of strategic thinking in our book,...