O Captain My Captain

O Captain My Captain

O Captain My Captain Cruise Ship The Captain/Master of a large ocean liner does not steer the ship; that’s the Helmsman. He doesn’t navigate; that’s the First Officer. He doesn’t manage the deck staff; that’s the Bosun, or Boatswain. He doesn’t maintain the engines;...
Pride Goes Before Destruction

Pride Goes Before Destruction

“Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18)   A Personal Note One of the reasons I have loved my lifelong career in the construction industry is the people I have been privileged to work with. They’re my kind of people;...
A Change Order by Any Other Name

A Change Order by Any Other Name

A Change Order by Any Other Name Designers, owners, and most contractors consider Change Orders a bad thing. Research indicates that overall project performance and contractor profitability is better on jobs with fewer COs than those with many. Even when Change Orders...
Why a Measured Response and When?

Why a Measured Response and When?

Third Crisis-era Message to Contractors from: Dr Tom Schleifer Why a Measured Response and When? We are all in this together and doing our part to stem the spread of the virus. Most fear that this is not a pause but a tsunami. Which it is, in that the effects …...