Managerial Maturity
by Simplar | Aug 24, 2023 | Built Environment, Business of Construction, Project Delivery, Weekly Construction Message
Managerial Maturity Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. Back in the day when I started as a contractor, construction was still considered a custom product and my brother and I enjoyed sufficient profit margins despite our inexperience and limited management training. In other...
The Death of Expertise
by Simplar | Aug 17, 2023 | Business, Strategic & Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Project Selection, Project Selection, Project Selection, Weekly Construction Message
The Death of Expertise Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. The invention of the internet, powerful search engines, and the cellphone have made supposed experts of almost everyone. Some doctors are actually retiring early because they are tired of arguing with patients who use...
“Ya Puts Up Ya Money…Ya Takes Yer Cherce”
by Simplar | Aug 10, 2023 | Project Selection, Project Selection, Risk Management, Risk Management, Weekly Construction Message
“Ya Puts Up Ya Money…Ya Takes Yer Cherce” Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. So says Charles Dickens’ racetrack tout in his native cockney accent. This colorful character in Dickens’ 19th century novel describes construction contracting more accurately and concisely than all...
We Are the World
by Simplar | Aug 3, 2023 | Built Environment, Business of Construction, Growth, Growth, Weekly Construction Message
We Are the World Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. The construction industry functions in a world economy beyond our national borders. The United States is the 2nd largest importer of building construction materials in the world, importing most of it from China, South Korea,...Search Past Blogs by Keywords