Do-It-Yourself Project Selection Tool

Do-It-Yourself Project Selection Tool

We all know that construction is a risky business. Every new project presents unique risks to our bottom line. The question, however, always remains, “How risky is this project?” In the past, we were left with our instincts to measure risk. Experienced...
Best in Class Construction Professionals Project Selection

Best in Class Construction Professionals Project Selection

“Risk is Measured by What You Choose to do more than How You Choose to do It” In the growth markets we will be approaching, with a housing boom well underway and a $1 trillion infrastructure bill working its way through Congress, enthusiastic contractors are tempted...
If You Walk Like a Commodity And Talk Like a Commodity You Are a Commodity

If You Walk Like a Commodity And Talk Like a Commodity You Are a Commodity

The Construction Customer Our research indicates that the majority of owners and designers engaged in construction projects come at the experience with a “commodity mind-set”. To them, the contractor merely performs a function that any contractor could perform so the...
An Approximation Based on Two Guesses

An Approximation Based on Two Guesses

How is it possible that construction concerns being run by professional managers in the 21st century often run out of cash and suddenly cease operations? Most modern industrial companies have heads-up enough to file a bankruptcy and ask the court to help them work out...