Recession Potential

Recession Potential

Recession Potential Dr Thomas C Schleifer Everyone agrees that the COVID-19 world-wide economic shutdown, interrupted supply chains, Russia’s barbaric invasion of the Ukraine, fuel shortages, and persistent rampant inflation all add up to, at the very least,...
SURPRISE We’ve Run Out of Money

SURPRISE We’ve Run Out of Money

SURPRISE We’ve Run Out of Money! What surprised me most over the many years my consultancy finished hundreds of jobs for sureties after contractors had failed mid-project was how many contractors were surprised when they ran out of money. Most of them believed...


Capacity Public financial markets value companies based on their ability to earn money into the future. Financial analysts apply a multiple to the current proven earnings of a given publicly traded company in an attempt to accurately predict the value of future...
A Personal Note to My Friends and Colleagues

A Personal Note to My Friends and Colleagues

A Personal Note to My Friends and Colleagues Hello Everyone, If it feels like I am trying to talk you into something in this note, you would be correct. In fact, that’s all I’ve been trying to do for 30 years. I’m trying to convince construction...