Cash is King

Cash is King

Cash is King Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. For the duration of this disrupted market and potential for recession, move cash flow management to the top of your CFO’s priority list and leave it there. Contractors rarely have enough cash on the balance sheet to see them...
Cash is Slippery

Cash is Slippery

Cash is Slippery   For the past few months we have been dealing with the risk factors hidden in growth markets and the risk mitigation techniques that construction management might employ. Now it is time to cut to the chase and identify the mother of all risk –...
How Much is Enough?

How Much is Enough?

How Much is Enough? Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. In this first series of messages for 2023 we’re looking at how to professionally manage a construction firm’s capital position to ensure enough liquidity to see the firm through an inflation/recession economy that can...