What Do You Want? – Science of Construction Business Management Series

What Do You Want? – Science of Construction Business Management Series

What Do You Want? – Science of Construction Business Management Series By: Dr. Thomas C Schleifer A recent study by a large New York ad agency revealed that most people don’t know exactly what they want and change their mind almost daily as their...
Strategic Planning – 1st in Science Construction Business Management Series

Strategic Planning – 1st in Science Construction Business Management Series

Strategic Planning-1st in Science of Construction Business Management Series “Ugg” – That’s the sound I hear in my seminars every time I bring up “Strategic Planning”. Some construction executives in the room head for the rest room,...
The Science of Business Management

The Science of Business Management

The Science of Business Management  There seems to be some misconception about what it takes to manage a construction business. Hard-working construction people who make the transition from employee to self-employed usually have an ample dose of common sense combined...
Management by Objective

Management by Objective

When they start their business, all contractors should have the same objective in mind: to make a profit. Carpenters may be building forms, concrete workers pouring slabs, electricians installing wiring, and plumbers laying pipe, but should also all have the same...