The Contract is the Customer – A Bad Belief
by Simplar | Jul 22, 2021 | Business Development, Business Development, Labor & Labor Issues, Leadership, Weekly Construction Message
The topic of this blog is the belief that drives the marketing efforts of many contractors and why “customer service” is a rare commodity in construction. After some contractors sign a contract, they tend to believe marketing is over. They get on with...
If You Walk Like a Commodity And Talk Like a Commodity You Are a Commodity
by Simplar | Jul 14, 2021 | Business, Strategic & Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership, Weekly Construction Message
The Construction Customer Our research indicates that the majority of owners and designers engaged in construction projects come at the experience with a “commodity mind-set”. To them, the contractor merely performs a function that any contractor could perform so the...
An Approximation Based on Two Guesses
by Simplar | Jul 7, 2021 | Business, Strategic & Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Current Events/Interests, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership, Weekly Construction Message
How is it possible that construction concerns being run by professional managers in the 21st century often run out of cash and suddenly cease operations? Most modern industrial companies have heads-up enough to file a bankruptcy and ask the court to help them work out...Search Past Blogs by Keywords