The R-Score

The R-Score

The R-Score “Let’s Add Some Science To Our Business” Some years back my surety consulting firm tackled job after job completing failed construction projects for the bonding companies that were increasingly having to finish failed projects. As one assignment followed...
Risk is Not a Dirty Word

Risk is Not a Dirty Word

Risk is Not a Dirty Word Over the last thirty years I have conducted literally hundreds of seminars with construction professionals covering an array of issues concerning the business of contracting. Along the way I have noticed that whenever I bring up risk, the...
Beyond “Low Bid” What Now?

Beyond “Low Bid” What Now?

Beyond “Low Bid” What Now?   The idea that always choosing the low bidder on a construction contract would protect budgets and prevent corruption has run its course. It is now almost an axiom of the construction industry that the hidden cost of broken schedules and...