In The Eye of the Beholder

In The Eye of the Beholder

In The Eye of the Beholder Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. Wall Street investment advisors are beginning to act like contractors. Hedge fund managers now value tech companies based on a multiple of future revenues rather than a multiple of past earnings. Revenues trump...


SUCCESS…ion Succession is a Big Deal The magnitude of the succession issue is staggering. Seventy percent of construction enterprises are family-owned. As more than 9 million baby boomers retire in waves, the founders and first-generation baby boomer owners of all...
Legacy Lost

Legacy Lost

Legacy Lost     Let’s talk business; You won’t live forever. You’re acting like you might. But you won’t. Your company could. Your legacy should. So, let’s talk business– about your legacy. Legacy Lost   “Most founders never expected or envisioned that their...