The Care and Feeding of the Workforce – A Culture Case Study

The Care and Feeding of the Workforce – A Culture Case Study

My interest in corporate cultures began with a productivity research project that brought to light the impact of the attitude of workers putting in the footings for a new project.  We were trying to determine if the workers’ understanding of what they were...
It Takes Two to Tango

It Takes Two to Tango

The Project Selection Tool is designed to aid contractors in picking projects that are most suitable to their firm’s expertise and have the most likely prospects of success for all stakeholders. But what about owners and designers? Historically many have limited...
Under The Hood: Third in our Project Selection Process series

Under The Hood: Third in our Project Selection Process series

I spent much of my construction career working for the nation’s top sureties who were providing the payment and performance bonds to our industry. My firm, CMA Consulting Group, was the nation’s largest workout specialist, completing projects left...
An Approximation Based on Two Guesses

An Approximation Based on Two Guesses

How is it possible that construction concerns being run by professional managers in the 21st century often run out of cash and suddenly cease operations? Most modern industrial companies have heads-up enough to file a bankruptcy and ask the court to help them work out...