INTRODUCING: The Secrets to Construction Business Success
by Simplar | Oct 27, 2021 | Business, Strategic & Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership, Weekly Construction Message
INTRODUCING: The Secrets to Construction Business Success (Thomas C. Schleifer, PhD., Mounir El Asmar, PhD., Routledge, 12/21) “The construction industry has changed dramatically over the years and continues to become more sophisticated, employing new...Labor Shortages to Clogged Supply Chains What’s going on around here?
by Simplar | Oct 20, 2021 | Business, Strategic & Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Current Events/Interests, Current Events/Interests, Labor & Labor Issues, Labor & Labor Issues, Leadership, Weekly Construction Message
“Just when I thought I was out…They dragged me back in!” (The Godfather) That is a quote from the movie The Godfather that I also heard from a contractor trying to deal with the whipsaw starts and stops torturing post-pandemic construction markets. ...The Care and Feeding of the Workforce – A Culture Case Study
by Simplar | Oct 14, 2021 | Business, Strategic & Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Current Events/Interests, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership, Weekly Construction Message
My interest in corporate cultures began with a productivity research project that brought to light the impact of the attitude of workers putting in the footings for a new project. We were trying to determine if the workers’ understanding of what they were...Corporate Culture – Leadership
by Simplar | Oct 7, 2021 | Leadership, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership, Organizational Change Management, Organizational Change Management, Organizational Change Management, Weekly Construction Message
Research shows that the single biggest factor in an organization’s success or failure is its culture. Every corporation has a culture, whether we recognize it or not. Cultures do not simply evolve out of the ether and descend on a company. The mood, the morale,...Corporate Culture
by Simplar | Sep 30, 2021 | Business, Strategic & Project Planning, Business, Strategic and Project Planning, Leadership, Leadership, Weekly Construction Message
“Corporate culture?” one contractor said to me. “Whada’ya want me to do? Take my masons to the opera?” Well, not exactly. Corporate culture is not about art appreciation. It’s just a fancy way to say, “How do your...Search Past Blogs by Keywords