Setting the Line

Setting the Line

Continuing last week’s risk discussion: Recognizing, identifying, and measuring risk is a critical pre-bid task. A Las Vegas sports book doesn’t wait to set the line until after the game. A handicapper who failed to take a key player’s injured wrist into account or...
Look Before You Leap

Look Before You Leap

Contracting is a risky business that works because contractors are risk takers. Every time we acquire a new project we are leaping into the unknown. No one has ever built this next project, and no one can predict its uncertain outcome.  Is there uncertainty that the...
Corporate Darwinism

Corporate Darwinism

The term “Corporate Darwinism” was the title of a business book published in 1966 that tracked the stages of birth, growth, and death of the typical American industrial corporation. According to the research, all start-ups that survive pass through these...