

Innovation Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. The construction industry has changed at its core. Most of the labor force that delivered construction services to the nation has retired and taken their unique level of expertise, productivity, and efficiency with them. Those of...
A Day in The Life of A “Best-In-Class” Contractor

A Day in The Life of A “Best-In-Class” Contractor

A Day in The Life of A “Best-In-Class” Contractor Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. The Best-In-Class Contractor We call contractors who fit the management profile that the Construction Company Self-Analysis Program outlines, question by question –...
Planning IS Managing

Planning IS Managing

Planning IS Managing Managing a construction company is like steering a 1000-foot container ship. It takes a long time for adjustments at the helm to alter the direction of the bow. There is a lag between deciding to change course and the ship changing direction. It...