by Simplar | Mar 10, 2021 | Leadership, Leadership, Procurement, Procurement, Weekly Construction Message
ATTENTION OWNERS Look Beyond Low-Bid For the past two years, I have been preaching to contractors the wisdom of looking beyond low-bid. I have been frustrated to receive less than enthusiastic responses from a greater majority of contractors. Their reaction to my...
by Simplar | Jan 14, 2021 | Leadership, Leadership
O Captain My Captain Cruise Ship The Captain/Master of a large ocean liner does not steer the ship; that’s the Helmsman. He doesn’t navigate; that’s the First Officer. He doesn’t manage the deck staff; that’s the Bosun, or Boatswain. He doesn’t maintain the engines;...
by Simplar | Jan 14, 2021 | Leadership
Peer Pressure Leadership: Side by Side It is a cliché in parenting that “peer pressure” has more impact on a child’s conduct than all the teachers, parents, and authority figures combined. Let’s face it. Your buddies could convince you to try things. Your principal...
by Simplar | Jan 14, 2021 | Leadership, Leadership
The Impact of Beliefs Perhaps no other single factor has a greater impact on the management of construction concerns than the unexamined beliefs held by senior management. What we believe to be true, (whether it is or not), affects every choice we make. And our most...
by Simplar | Jan 14, 2021 | Leadership, Leadership
Construction May Be Our Long-Term Salvation Any hope that the coronavirus pandemic would quickly diminish, and the world’s economy would soon be getting back to business as usual, has evaporated. While the pandemic seemed to have been controlled in some states that...
by Simplar | Jan 14, 2021 | Leadership, Leadership
Beyond COVID Part 3 Construction Company Self-Analysis After taking steps to mitigate the negative effects of the current pandemic-induced construction market contraction, this “Beyond COVID” blog series attempts to look beyond this market cycle and imagine what...