Firing Up the Team

Firing Up the Team

Firing Up the Team Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. Successful construction professionals build a team in four successive steps: 1. Recruit 2. Train 3. Motivate 4. Retain. This week we’ll take a closer look at motivation. Many in our industry are tough, hands-on personality...
In The Eye of the Beholder

In The Eye of the Beholder

In The Eye of the Beholder Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. Wall Street investment advisors are beginning to act like contractors. Hedge fund managers now value tech companies based on a multiple of future revenues rather than a multiple of past earnings. Revenues trump...
Boom and Bust

Boom and Bust

BOOM AND BUST Subject: construction market cycles The construction recession is finally over and boom times are upon us once again. Everyone is signing new contracts and business plans are bursting at the seams. And this is even before the Republican administration in...