Managing Working Capital
by Simplar | Apr 13, 2023 | Financial Management and Risk, Financial Management and Risk, Financial Management and Risk, Financial Management and Risk, Growth, Growth, Weekly Construction Message
Managing Working Capital Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. As we noted last week, the primary cause of construction business failure is running out of money. Why when contractors run out of money is it so often a surprise? Financing Growth American industry is addicted to...Capital Capacity
by Simplar | Dec 22, 2022 | Financial Management and Risk, Financial Management and Risk, Financial Management and Risk, Financial Management and Risk, Weekly Construction Message
Capital Capacity Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. Will we be running from rampant cost inflation or deeply mired in top-line recession in 2023? No one seems to know. What we do know is that we don’t know, and that’s treacherous turf. How do contractors decide whether to bid...Two Major Risk Factors
by Simplar | Oct 19, 2023 | Business of Construction, Project Delivery, Risk Management, Risk Management, Weekly Construction Message
The two major risk factors built into contracting: 1) Chronic under-capitalization 2) Highly complex transaction Chronic Under Capitalization Every contractor I have worked with over these past 40 years has been plagued by cash flow problems at one time or another....Big Small Business
by Simplar | Sep 7, 2023 | Built Environment, Business of Construction, Financial Management and Risk, Financial Management and Risk, Growth, Growth, Weekly Construction Message
Big Small Business Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D. The oldest known structure on earth Göbekli Tepe, the remains of a temple at an archeological site in Southeastern Turkey dated back to 9500 – 8000 BC marks the earliest example of what we now call the construction...Search Past Blogs by Keywords