Looking Ahead to 2025

Thomas C Schleifer, Ph.D.

 These are the topics we will be discussing in 2025. We’ll be diving a little deeper and our treatment of each topic will be more granular. See you next year.


  1. Reputation
  2. Market segmentation
  3. Owner selection
  4. Project selection


  1. Bidding
  2. Alternative forms
  3. Project suitability
  4. Growth

Organizational Development

  1. Functional organization
  2. Recruiting
  3. Training
  4. Retaining


  1. Budgeting
  2. Strategy
  3. Capacity
  4. Project selection


  1. Recognizing risk
  2. Operational risk
  3. Financial risk
  4. The R-Score Formula


  1. Flexible overhead
  2. Subcontractor selection and management
  3. Shortage of skilled labor
  4. Technology

Financial Management

  1. Role of the CFO
  2. Capital capacity
  3. Cash flow management
  4. Financial self-analysis


  1. Financial Distress
  2. Labor distress
  3. Legal distress
  4. Market distress


  1. Downturn
  2. Recovery
  3. Growth
  4. Downsizing


  1. Vision
  2. Communication
  3. Management by Objectives
  4. Flexibility


  1. Succession
  2. Consolidation
  3. Sale
  4. Dissolution


  1. Getting the work
  2. Doing the work
  3. Accounting for the work
  4. Farewell to 2025

As always, questions and subject suggestions are welcome. Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous New Year.

To read more of Tom’s blogs, click HERE

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